Newsletter >
Mar 31, 2021
Escondido Homeowners Association ROADWAY & CURBING IMPROVEMENTS
Dear Fellow Homeowner(s)
As many of you may or may not know, the roadways are scheduled to be repaved this year. The cost to perform this work was approved and included in this year’s budget (our fiscal years starts April 1st). As a board member and resident, I’m extremely proud of the fact that all of this work is being done without the need of a special assessment and want to take this opportunity to thank past and present board members for their efforts to make this possible. The repaving of our roadways will consist of milling (a process of removing) the existing asphalt pavement and adding a new layer of asphalt. The project will add two (2) new speed bumps to Escondido Way East, in addition to replacing the existing speed bumps throughout the neighborhood. Also, included in the project is the removal and replacement of selected areas of curbing that are either damaged or retaining water for extended periods of time. Our community is approximately 45 years old and the roadways and curbing were designed within minimal slope, which at times creates standing water within the existing curbs. While we can’t fix all of the problem areas, we are prioritizing the repairs and trying to fix the worst of them. If you feel that the curbing adjacent to your house is in need of repair, please contact John Fischer at (561) 749?9434 prior to April 14th so we can review the area in question and consider it for replacement as part of this project.
The repairs are expected to commence sometime during the month of April and are expected to last no longer than 3 weeks. Further notices regarding the schedule, timing, on?street parking, access, and phasing of the project will be distributed to further communicate in detail how the project will be implemented. The contractor has been vetted and All County Paving was chosen to perform the work based on price, and references.
Once the project commences, we will be sending out updates through our website. As a resident, in order to receive notifications from the website you must signup and register your email address. Please see the instructions below for the website signup.
Website: In order to improve the communication within the neighborhood, we will be utilizing our website’s “Newsletter” function to send out email updates regarding our neighborhood. By signing up on our website you will receive periodic emails about upcoming events, meetings, and improvements taking place within the community. Our goal is to have at least one person from every residence sign up so each residence can be properly informed on what is going on within the community.
Below are step?by?step instructions on how to sign up:
Log onto Escondido’s website at
1. Once on the main page of our website click on the “Newsletter” tab at the top left?hand corner of the page. 2. Once on the Newsletter page, type in your email address into the box at the top right?hand corner of the page where it says “enter your email” 3. You then have to agree to the Privacy Policy. To do so Click on the open box where it says: “I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy” 4. Then click on the box labeled “Subscribe”. 5. The website will automatically send you a confirmation email to the email address you previously entered. When you receive the confirmation email simply click on the link provided within the email and that’s it. You are subscribed and will start to receive future emails sent out by the Association.
Facebook: While not run by the Homeowners Association, I wanted to make sure the residents are aware of a private Facebook page with 107 members. The group consists of homeowners as well as board members and is an easy way to communicate back and forth with other residents within the community. The Facebook page is called “Escondido Homeowners Discussion Group”.
We will be sending out additional letters regarding the schedule and phasing of the roadway project in the upcoming weeks.
Thank you, Chad Edwards President, Escondido HOA, Inc.