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ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS - Expected to begin 06/01/21
ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS - Expected to begin 06/01/21
May 25, 2021
Escondido Homeowners Association ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS
Dear Fellow Homeowner(s):
The roadway construction is anticipated to take 4 days and is scheduled to start Tuesday June 1st and is expected to last until Friday June 4th. This is a project that only occurs once in every 30 years so please be patient and understanding regarding traffic delays, and debris during construction. As with any construction project the schedule is subject to change.
We ask that residents adhere do the following guidelines: • Residents and Guests DO NOT PARK in all streets under construction. Residents and guests parked in the roadway will be towed at the owner’s expense. Residents shall have any cars in the roadway cleared by no later than 7am on the day the work is scheduled. • Residents are to notify any contractors working at their house that they will not be allowed on any roads under construction. Please notify all contractors including but not limited to Amazon, UPS, your pool and lawn contractors. • Residents are to schedule deliveries outside of the construction timeframe. This includes all types of deliveries (food, merchandise, etc.) • All residents are to turn off their irrigation systems for the duration of construction. • Residents are to expect and will encounter delays getting to and from their home during this construction period. Please plan accordingly and please be patient. • On Thursday June 3rd it is anticipated that garbage and recycling pickup will not occur for Escondido Way North and possibly Madria Circle. Escondido Way East and Vista Del Boca Drive may also lack pickup on this day.
Enclosed and outlined below is a color-coded phasing map indicating what roads are expected to be worked on what days. Each segment will consist of 1 day of milling the existing asphalt followed by a 2nd day of paving.
Green • Tuesday June 1st – Milling - Vista Del Boca Drive, Escondido Way South, & Madria Circle • Wednesday June 2nd – Paving - Vista Del Boca Drive, Escondido Way South, & Madria Circle
Red • Wednesday June 2nd – Milling - Escondido Way North • Thursday June 3rd – Paving - Escondido Way North
Blue • Thursday June 3rdh – Milling Escondido Way East • Friday June 4th – Paving Escondido Way East
Please note the above schedule only includes the milling and overlay portions of the project. The speed bumps and permanent striping will be installed approximately 2 weeks after the neighborhood has been paved. If there are any last-minute schedule changes, we will send out updates through our website’s email distribution list and we will also post it on the Facebook page.
Please contact John Fischer at (561) 749-9434 if you have any project related questions or concerns. Thank you,
Chad Edwards President, Escondido HOA, Inc.